"Lively" is Copyright to artist Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman ("Black UniGryphon") and is an original character developed over her lifetime.
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Saturday, January 21, 2017
FREE DOWNLOAD: Haunting Blue Fairy Muses
Black UniGryphon,
Blue Fairies,
free download,
Haunting Blue Fairy Muses,
Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman,
new age,
Friday, July 8, 2016
Djehkäujaa Singing Song Fragment via Snapchat
I did some rough doodles of Djehkäujaa today since the weather got cold (yes it's JULY) and my internet is NOT working correctly!
Here's The Rough sketches:
Then on Snapchat, they have a feature that allows you to superimpose a facial image over your face. SO, I accidentally tapped it, and it automatically put Djehkäujaa there! I actually really liked it, so I did a rendition of her singing the dragon song I wrote for her in my story/film/motion-picture.
The original demos of the song (my vocals):
Original rough demos of the song/melody via iPhone synthesizers:
©2016 Copyright
Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman
I don't particularly care for my vocal for Djehkäujaa. I think my vocal is more for Lively than her.
Actually, I would prefer a vocal more like the beloved late Melanie Thornton or Melodie Sexton. I also like Rozalla.
Melanie Thornton (vocals):
Melodie Sexton (vocals):
Here's The Rough sketches:
A photo posted by Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman 任思麒 (@blackunigryphon) on
A photo posted by Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman 任思麒 (@blackunigryphon) on
A photo posted by Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman 任思麒 (@blackunigryphon) on
Then on Snapchat, they have a feature that allows you to superimpose a facial image over your face. SO, I accidentally tapped it, and it automatically put Djehkäujaa there! I actually really liked it, so I did a rendition of her singing the dragon song I wrote for her in my story/film/motion-picture.
A video posted by Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman 任思麒 (@blackunigryphon) on
A video posted by Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman 任思麒 (@blackunigryphon) on
The original demos of the song (my vocals):
Original rough demos of the song/melody via iPhone synthesizers:
©2016 Copyright
Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman
I don't particularly care for my vocal for Djehkäujaa. I think my vocal is more for Lively than her.
Actually, I would prefer a vocal more like the beloved late Melanie Thornton or Melodie Sexton. I also like Rozalla.
Melanie Thornton (vocals):
Melodie Sexton (vocals):
Black UniGryphon,
concept art,
Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman,
original character,
Zenith Beyond Eclipsing The Dragon's Rue
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Musical Moods For A Dragon
There's quite a good chunk of music from the mid-late 1990s that I feel very much fits the moods I'm going for... however, I want the music to be new and original, yet within those old styles...
The majority is electronic, but I also like some Tribal Fusion....
There is an album by Scooter called "Wicked" which really inspires a lot of the stuff for me... (among a number of other marvelous albums from that time period) but, I don't want my project/product to be a Scooter project. I want it to be Kandice's project.
Scooter is also 3 men, and yet my project is feminine.
I also like the music by Yoko Kanno in Macross Plus, which is unlike the music in any other Macross projects/films/series.
Yoko Kanno is very diverse in her music styles that I am often supersized to find a song I like only to find out later that it was by her. Her music is so diverse and eclectic.
I like a LOT of German stuff. This is one of those bands/groups that was really innovative at the time, and at 1 point did a whole album in classical music.
I do also like Blümchen (Jasmin Wagner) whom was my ultimate favorite in the 90s! But, I feel much of her music is more of a mood for Lively than for Djehkäujaa:
There's also a 90s album by Sarah Brightman that is quite lovely, and I also like the moods in it as well.
I also like the newer take on stuff, like Tribal Fusion. I really like Stellamara, and their Devotional Musical styles as well as their remixes, altho' they aren't 90s.
I am quite enamored with this lovely device: Roland Bassline 303 vintage (no longer in production). When it first released it was about $400 and now if you can get one, even a broken one, it costs THOUSANDS! Nothing else quite has THAT SOUND.
And...... I always wanted one of these KORG KAOSS Pads!
The majority is electronic, but I also like some Tribal Fusion....
There is an album by Scooter called "Wicked" which really inspires a lot of the stuff for me... (among a number of other marvelous albums from that time period) but, I don't want my project/product to be a Scooter project. I want it to be Kandice's project.
Scooter is also 3 men, and yet my project is feminine.
I also like the music by Yoko Kanno in Macross Plus, which is unlike the music in any other Macross projects/films/series.
Yoko Kanno is very diverse in her music styles that I am often supersized to find a song I like only to find out later that it was by her. Her music is so diverse and eclectic.
I like a LOT of German stuff. This is one of those bands/groups that was really innovative at the time, and at 1 point did a whole album in classical music.
I do also like Blümchen (Jasmin Wagner) whom was my ultimate favorite in the 90s! But, I feel much of her music is more of a mood for Lively than for Djehkäujaa:
I also like the newer take on stuff, like Tribal Fusion. I really like Stellamara, and their Devotional Musical styles as well as their remixes, altho' they aren't 90s.
I am quite enamored with this lovely device: Roland Bassline 303 vintage (no longer in production). When it first released it was about $400 and now if you can get one, even a broken one, it costs THOUSANDS! Nothing else quite has THAT SOUND.
And...... I always wanted one of these KORG KAOSS Pads!
Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman,
Macross Plus,
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Blue Fairy World Melody (demo) MUSIC
The Story of This Melody/Song:
The basic story is this:
When I was 6 years old, in the 1980s, my family had moved to a new house in Mount Laurel NJ (from Willingboro NJ to Levit Town PA, then to Mt. Laurel) . That summer our neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. Blue has a summer party. It was sometime either the end of June or Early July, and they often invited tons of their relatives that I can recall. they were about 80-90 years old. I don't specifically recall.
During that party I went inside the house and was playing with the kids, and then I think it was a man, asked me if I wanted to play on the piano. I actually didn't know how to play. But, when I looked at the piano it was like a magical moment, and I felt as tho' the piano was calling to me. So, I immediately went over to the piano and sat down.
I had a VERY wild imagination as a child, that it was REALLY A HUGE PROBLEM in school, and when I was very very little I thought I could see fairies. But, when I was 6 I did not. I knew the difference between pretend and real, but I could still get VERY caught up inside my imagination, that real life was just something that I would override in my my mind. This, summer party, however, was different. It was very similar to when I would get caught up in my art and drawings. I also did not take my drawings very seriously, because I thought everyone could do that, and also did not think of myself as an artist. It was just a silly or fun thing I did.
In that moment, I sat at the piano, and began to improvisationally play the piano. I did not know how to do this, nor that I could. But, I began to play patterns that repeated themselves or vary on the keys. I just thought I should do that, and I liked the way it sounded.
Then, I felt as tho' I was in another world -a world of fairies! And, fairies all around me!
Time seemed to stop, or speed up.... I don't know... but, I felt like I was somewhere else, and I liked it.
I knew there were other people in the room, and the house, and they eventually became quieter, and even stopped to listen to me play.
But, before I knew it, hours had passed and it was night time. That was a very strange and unusual experience...
But, as I was experiencing this sort of inspired moment that felt magical, and as tho' I was in another world, with fairies everywhere, and all around me.... like something out of Grimm's Fairy Tales, or Elves & the Shoe Maker.... I created this melody.
This is the melody I made.
I was told later, that kids weren't allowed to use the piano, because it was an antique, and because they were too rough with it, but when they heard me playing they thought I was well behaved and respected the instrument. Strange that I was actually invited to even play it personally...
Not long after I made the melody my grandparents from Lancaster PA came to our house and gave me a very old electric organ.
I remembered the melody and often played it on my electric organ.
I actually collected several kinds of instruments as a child. In the mid 1980s Casio keyboards were very popular with children as a Christmas gift. So, I got one! I played on it so much that some of the keys didn't always work by the 90s.
So, that is the story of the origins of this song....
As for my musical training, I learned to play a recorder in the 3rd grade which I absolutely LOVED! Then, my little brother & I would figure out how to play tunes and melodies by ear, like songs from The Little Mermaid, or Aladdin.
I also formally played violin with my little brother when I was in 5th grade. I kept getting invited to play with the Philadelphia Orchestra, but I thought I wasn't good enough, and my mom didn't want to drive there.
This music has been in my head! It's been driving me crazy.
I kept resisting it, but it was as tho' the music wanted to become something.
So, I kept taking walks on warm days this month, and it kept coming out of my mouth and throat. I thought perhaps I was going mad, or mentally ill! I was really worried! But, the more I protested & resisted the worse it got, like something out of a Sci-Fi TV show episode!
But, once I stopped resisting, and let it out I felt better.
It was as tho' the music was experimenting with its self....
On 1 walk, I was out on the sidewalk near the woods, and I felt terribly paranoid that somebody would walk by me and think I was a crazy lady! This is not a rational thing! So, when the music started coming out of my mouth/throat it was awkward and terrible... but, then I was like: Fine! Whatever! I guess I'm a crazy lady walking by the woods! F@#$ it! And, I just let my voice go...
But, it sounded fine.... and I also felt pretty good....
Perhaps it's just something buried deep in my subconscious or unconscious mind wanting out...
But, the music persisted so much this month that I ended up downloading a piano app to my iPhone and recording it in different tempos.
Then, as the month went on, it became words... the words/lyrics have changed several times...
There seems to be 2 versions of the melody. The fairy version(s) are for my character Lively, and the Dragon version(s) are for my character Djehkäujaa.
Rough Recordings:
Some Possible Working Lyrics So Far:
I The World Of Blue Fairies (Basic Version)
In the world of blue fairies,
In the world of blue fairies,
In the world of blue fairies,
Melodie for dragons!
Soaring dragons through the sky,
Open your wings and you'll fly,
One with the wind, I soar high,
Liberty for dragons.
Black UniGryphon,
Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman,
original compositions,
Friday, May 9, 2014
A Few Words About Akara
I suppose I ought to say a few words about Akara. I don't even recall how specifically I found the band... just that it was another one of those thing where I just let go, and find myself unexpectedly flowing there from 1 thing to another, and being presently surprised.
The composer is very artistic and I really loved the videos i stumbled across when he was trying to raise the funds to produce his first album/opus. And, altho' I REALLY like his taste in art, among other things, he's kind of snobby to me, and ignores my comments, but would socialize with other fans. Why? I have no idea... maybe he's just a brilliant mad genius diva. *shrugs*
Whatever, u know how rockstars & musicians are.
And, it's NOT like he has very many fans, and he's rather off the grid for the most part as a novelty. But, the music is good. Anyways, not to throw him under the bus, or anything... I'm sure he's probably very busy, or consumed with several things....
But, what I like about this band is that has some 80s feel to it like he's a Jim Hensen 'The Dark Crystal" fan, and even has a song called "Gelfling". He incorporates neo-tribal & bohemian esthetics, new Age, and Spiritualism, as well as the 2-step beats from Dub-step. Incorporates a full orchestra with digital DJ equipment, and so on. He's been to Burning Man, and other great festivals.
It also reminds me of some old 90s animes like "Sharon Apple" from "Macross Plus", or other Macross or Sci-fF films with made-up languages, and dreamy words, and motifs...
Not bad, huh? The female vocalist, Femka, is a Grammy winner, also.
So, Waht do ya think? Weird, whimsical, dreamy, fascinating, inspiring?
I like it!I was listening to it for New Year's Eve. I hope someday, I might create my own special somethings as well in a bigger budgeted project as well... only, with my own stuff. ;)
The composer is very artistic and I really loved the videos i stumbled across when he was trying to raise the funds to produce his first album/opus. And, altho' I REALLY like his taste in art, among other things, he's kind of snobby to me, and ignores my comments, but would socialize with other fans. Why? I have no idea... maybe he's just a brilliant mad genius diva. *shrugs*
Whatever, u know how rockstars & musicians are.
And, it's NOT like he has very many fans, and he's rather off the grid for the most part as a novelty. But, the music is good. Anyways, not to throw him under the bus, or anything... I'm sure he's probably very busy, or consumed with several things....
But, what I like about this band is that has some 80s feel to it like he's a Jim Hensen 'The Dark Crystal" fan, and even has a song called "Gelfling". He incorporates neo-tribal & bohemian esthetics, new Age, and Spiritualism, as well as the 2-step beats from Dub-step. Incorporates a full orchestra with digital DJ equipment, and so on. He's been to Burning Man, and other great festivals.
It also reminds me of some old 90s animes like "Sharon Apple" from "Macross Plus", or other Macross or Sci-fF films with made-up languages, and dreamy words, and motifs...
Not bad, huh? The female vocalist, Femka, is a Grammy winner, also.
So, Waht do ya think? Weird, whimsical, dreamy, fascinating, inspiring?
I like it!I was listening to it for New Year's Eve. I hope someday, I might create my own special somethings as well in a bigger budgeted project as well... only, with my own stuff. ;)
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