Sunday, March 27, 2016

The First Unicorn Horn Girl Artist On The Internet EVER: Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman

The First Unicorn Horn Girl Artist On The Internet EVER: Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman

Hi! I'm Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman-Wang AKA "Black UniGryphon" AKA "BlackUniGryphon" AKA "ZBlackUnicorn", A.K.A. 烏獨角獸, A.K.A. 任思麒.

I've been going through my old sketches, and THIS right here was THE FIRST EVER depiction of a women/girl with an "alicorn" (the correct term for the horn of a unicorn) on her forehead.

I've been using the internet since the early 1990s, and we even got our first home computer the Apple Macintosh Power PC 6200 in 1994, in Mount Laurel NJ.

Since we first got our computer at home I already KNEW how to use the internet at school, and knew what a web browser, and a search engine were. generally, back then, we used various search engines, type in "key words" and klick search. I used: E-World, America Online (AOL), Web Crawler, and tons of others. I didn't start to use Yahoo until 1996 or 1997.

I LOVED UNICORNS! The only thing I loved as mush as UNICORNS back then was Star Trek, X-FILES, Marvel Comics, Kung Fu movies, and TECHNO (or synth pop).

I also remember when was a new company. They only sold ONE ITEM: BOOKS. Then, one day they started to sell CDs!!!! *gasp* Including imports... some of them... otherwise u had to show at Tower Records.

I graduated High School in June 1998, went to the Philly UARTS, the to AIPH and graduated in May 2001 (before September 11th 2001).

So, let's put this into perspective, I KNEW every single Unicorn community whether English, German, or in Countries where people spoke multiple languages. I KNEW the webmasters, I knew the communities, the webpages, the "web-rings", boards, etc... I KNEW all the young artists, and Generation X people, and the younger ones coming up at the time.

If there was something NEW coming out, I KNEW about it.

But, there is NO ONE whom can claim to be the first one EXCEPT FOR ME. It was me.

I also ran my own groups... I think my E-Group might still be somewhere on Yahoo... among other thing yahoo gobbled up n dismantled... Geocities, etc...

I created all kinds of graphics too.

Also, back in the day, people did this stuff for fun, and NOT FOR MONEY. What a concept! People also didn't fight, they got along, talked things out, and followed rules... we also shared EVERYTHING.

Back in the day I went by the Alia "ZBlackUnicorn", "BlackUnicorn" or "EbonyUnicorn".

Yes. It is true. I am the original.

Eventually I got sucked into Furries/Anthos because I was obsessed with Dragons & Gryphons also!

I think my VCL gallery is still up under "ZBlackUnicorn" if you want to have a look.

So, I did a ton of art and graphics all over the internet, including unicorns, Gryphons, and techno fan pages.

2002 remake: 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Dragon Scans (So Far)

Scanning old vintage sketches, character design, and concept art...

I've torn apart my house looking for my old sketches of Djehkäujaa.

In case you haven't noticed yet, she's a dragon. But, she also has a humanoid form, and there's a reason for that.

Unfortunately, trying to find all my of best work of her is very difficult, and have serious trouble trying to find them!

Luckily, I found some of her character design head sketches. 

I've scanned a number of the sketches in high resolution, and I've been cleaning up some, and publishing them to my DeviantArt gallery.

In honor of post the sketches of her her, I'd like to include this song by the German band "Scooter" called "The First Time" which if you listen to the song, the mood is very much an inspiration to this concept work, and her. The mood very much captures some of what I want for my project, in 1 part. Actually, I feel a number of vintage 1990s (Eurodance, techno, trance, electronica) European music (some Japanese inspiration also) inspires me intensely in the creation of this, where as my "Eyewitness" project is more of a UK synth pop music inspiration and some modern fusion stuff from California.

I really loved the old vintage Scooter music, even tho' I believe all of it is good over the years. Their band members have changed a number of times. Usually, their music has the vocals of HP Baxter, but this one does not.

Even tho' I generally have a major major dislike for "Drum N Bass" styles of garage music, this one is more of a Euro Trance style. the mood it has, keeping the composition simple but with layers of sound effects in the arrangement effectively expresses the mood. Also, the female vocal with a foreign accent adds to that haunting & strange yet beautiful mood feeling...

I would also recommend that  if you are not sober, to be careful when listening to this song, because it's a very moving experience that you will not experience while sober.

However, I felt I wanted, and the project its self wanted, to have and make an entirely new and original song in a slightly similar style, but totally new and original. I would prefer my new version to probably be either a 2-step rhythm (dub step) instead of drum n base, or just Psy Trance style with 4/4 beats....

Also, I feel I might like a slight touch of Eastern fusion into it...Scooter had a down tempo single "She's The Sun" which had some Eastern fusion in it... but, a totally different style. t.A.t.U. has a slight bit of that Eastern fusion vibe in the song "Stars"
If you like Eastern Fusion music, you might like Stellamara or their remixes, or Temple Step Project, or Beats Antique. However, I feel this old Scooter track style and mood fit it better than those which are either too hard, too soft, or a different mood altogether.

If the song and the sketches don't seem to make any sense to you, or seem unrelated, or you don;t understand it. let me put it to you this way:

Imagine you were a dragon all of your life, and then you screwed up really bad, and found yourself totally alone in the desolate wilderness like the plains of Mongolia, far away from anything and anyone familiar to you....  bewildered, lost and confused, and even you were not the same.... your body is not the same.... and, you look down into pond of water and see your face, as not your face.... as a different face that you didn't recognize... 

No one to help you, no one to recognize you, and nothing will ever be the same ever again.... not even you. 

Here are the High Resolution Scans that I somewhat cleaned-up.

These sketches here aren't very good. they're very terrible rough doodles, and they also didn't scan very well either, nor clean-up very well for that matter...

Blue Fairy World Melody (demo) MUSIC

The Story of This Melody/Song:

The basic story is this:

When I was 6 years old, in the 1980s, my family had moved to a new house in Mount Laurel NJ (from Willingboro NJ to Levit Town PA, then to Mt. Laurel) . That summer our neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. Blue has a summer party. It was sometime either the end of June or Early July, and they often invited tons of their relatives that I can recall. they were about 80-90 years old. I don't specifically recall.

During that party I went inside the house and was playing with the kids, and then I think it was a man, asked me if I wanted to play on the piano. I actually didn't know how to play. But, when I looked at the piano it was like a magical moment, and I felt as tho' the piano was calling to me. So, I immediately went over to the piano and sat down.

I had a VERY wild imagination as a child, that it was REALLY A HUGE PROBLEM in school, and when I was very very little I thought I could see fairies. But, when I was 6 I did not. I knew the difference between pretend and real, but I could still get VERY caught up inside my imagination, that real life was just something that I would override in my my mind. This, summer party, however, was different. It was very similar to when I would get caught up in my art and drawings. I also did not take my drawings very seriously, because I thought everyone could do that, and also did not think of myself as an artist. It was just a silly or fun thing I did.

In that moment, I sat at the piano, and began to improvisationally play the piano. I did not know how to do this, nor that I could. But, I began to play patterns that repeated themselves or vary on the keys. I just thought I should do that, and I liked the way it sounded.

Then, I felt as tho' I was in another world -a world of fairies! And, fairies all around me!

Time seemed to stop, or speed up.... I don't know... but, I felt like I was somewhere else, and I liked it.

I knew there were other people in the room, and the house, and they eventually became quieter, and even stopped to listen to me play.

But, before I knew it, hours had passed and it was night time. That was a very strange and unusual experience...

But, as I was experiencing this sort of inspired moment that felt magical, and as tho' I was in another world, with fairies everywhere, and all around me.... like something out of Grimm's Fairy Tales, or Elves & the Shoe Maker.... I created this melody.

This is the melody I made.

I was told later, that kids weren't allowed to use the piano, because it was an antique, and because they were too rough with it, but when they heard me playing they thought I was well behaved and respected the instrument.  Strange that I was actually invited to even play it personally...

Not long after I made the melody my grandparents from Lancaster PA came to our house and gave me a very old electric organ.

I remembered the melody and often played it on my electric organ.

I actually collected several kinds of instruments as a child. In the mid 1980s Casio keyboards were very popular with children as a Christmas gift. So, I got one! I played on it so much that some of the keys didn't always work by the 90s.

So, that is the story of the origins of this song....

As for my musical training, I learned to play a recorder in the 3rd grade which I absolutely LOVED! Then, my little brother & I would figure out how to play tunes and melodies by ear, like songs from The Little Mermaid, or Aladdin.

I also formally played violin with my little brother when I was in 5th grade. I kept getting invited to play with the Philadelphia Orchestra, but I thought I wasn't good enough, and my mom didn't want to drive there.


This music has been in my head! It's been driving me crazy.

I kept resisting it, but it was as tho' the music wanted to become something.

So, I kept taking walks on warm days this month, and it kept coming out of my mouth and throat. I thought perhaps I was going mad, or mentally ill! I was really worried! But, the more I protested & resisted the worse it got, like something out of a Sci-Fi TV show episode!
But, once I stopped resisting, and let it out I felt better.

It was as tho' the music was experimenting with its self....

On 1 walk, I was out on the sidewalk near the woods, and I felt terribly paranoid that somebody would walk by me and think I was a crazy lady! This is not a rational thing! So, when the music started coming out of my mouth/throat it was awkward and terrible... but, then I was like: Fine! Whatever! I guess I'm a crazy lady walking by the woods! F@#$ it! And, I just let my voice go...
But, it sounded fine.... and I also felt pretty good....

Perhaps it's just something buried deep in my subconscious or unconscious mind wanting out...

But, the music persisted so much this month that I ended up downloading a piano app to my iPhone and recording it in different tempos.

Then, as the month went on, it became words... the words/lyrics have changed several times...

There seems to be 2 versions of the melody. The fairy version(s) are for my character Lively, and the Dragon version(s) are for my character Djehkäujaa.

Rough Recordings:

Some Possible Working Lyrics So Far:

I The World Of Blue Fairies (Basic Version)

In the world of blue fairies,
In the world of blue fairies,
In the world of blue fairies,
Melodie for dragons!

Dragon Version

Soaring dragons through the sky,
Open your wings and you'll fly,
One with the wind, I soar high,
Liberty for dragons.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Poem Lyrics: Wind

By Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman (Black UniGryphon)
©2016 All Rights Reserved 
Draft Lyrics/Poetry


I am the wind,
The wind that flows freely,
I am the wind that blows me to you.
I am the wind.

Trees and grasses sway,
Song birds sing and play,

Letting go,
To and Fro,
As leaves in the wind,
I let go.

I submit to the breeze....

Bend me to your will like a reed in the wind,
Now the wind and I are one....

Just be....

I am the wind.....


II.) Reprise

It is the wind,
Which has brought me here.
It is the wind,
That blows me to you.

Softly and sweetly,
Boldly and breezy.

I am here now.....

Fertile as the Earth,
Beneath my feet,
Stable as the ground,
And stretching streets.

Flowing like a river,
Vast as oceans and seas,
Rushing like a dam,
That just broke free.

Alive and warm,
As flickering flame,
Etched in my heart,
Is forever your name.

The light within fills my eyes,
And, everything becomes the sky.

We are one with the wind.... 


I think this piece might actually be for Lively.
It has 2 parts, and could probably have more parts if I decided to write them.
I'm not exactly, nor entirely, sure of how I want this one to go.... It's still vague inside of my mind.

Poem Lyrics: Keep On Going

Keep On Going
By Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman (Black UniGryphon)
©2016 All Rights Reserved 
Draft Lyrics/Poetry

Keep on going.... (echoes)
                           Keep on going.... (echoes)      Keep on going.... (echoes)
                                                                                          Keep me going.... (echoes)

Keep on running.... (echoes)
                           Keep on running.... (echoes)   Keep on running.... (echoes)
                                                                                          Keep me running.... (echoes)

Keep on flying.... (echoes)
                           Keep on flying.... (echoes)      Keep on flying.... (echoes)
                                                                                           I keep on flying.... (echoes)

Keep on going.... (echoes)
                           Keep on running.... (echoes)    Keep on flying.... (echoes) 
                                                                                           I keep on flying....  (echoes) 

                           Keep on going........ (echoes) 


The version published on DeviantART is found HERE

This one is still another song/lyrics for Djehkäujaa, but it might be inter-cut with Lively. Lively is definitely in this project/story.

This is another simple piece. It's meant to be more music than vocals. the lyrics are a pattern with variations.

I want this one to be 90s Euro trance style but with some strings like guitars and/or dulcimers or zithers, but very strong synthesizers with ambient and melody parts. It will mostly be down tempo, but still a 4/4 beat is very likely. A lot of reverberation and echoing. It will have a slow intro, and tempo changes in different parts... I want to have a balance of bass or notes lower on the scale, with higher pitch as well.

I am not sure whether I want the vocals to be male or female, but I do not want a deep voice for it.

Poem Lyrics: I Take It Higher

I Take It Higher
By Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman (Black UniGryphon)
©2016 All Rights Reserved 
Draft Lyrics/Poetry

Gotta reach!
A little further!
Gonna reach!
A little farther!

For myself,
Make a conscious choice!
Come on! 
Make some noise!

I jump some more!
Jump off the floor! 

A little higher!
Gonna make it! 
A little higher! 
Time to soar! 

I take it higher!
I make it higher!


Go forth! 
A little Further! 
Reach forth! 
A little farther! 

For myself,
Spun it 'round! 
Come on!
A glorious sound! 

I jumped some more! 
Launched off the floor! 

A little higher! 
Gonna make it! 
A little higher!
And now I soar! 

I take it higher!
I made it higher!

It's also published here on DeviantART.

This one is meant to be more percussion/rhythm based. 
I'm not entirely positive about what I want to do with it... but, I have some ideas...

This one is also for my character Djehkäujaa, but probably in her original dragon form. very highly likely as her original dragon form.

Poem Lyrics: The First Time Seeing

The First Time Seeing
(working title)
By Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman (Black UniGryphon)
©2016 All Rights Reserved 
Rough Draft Lyrics/Poetry

The first time........... (echoes)
               -though these eyes......... (echoes)
                                 I ever witnessed this place........ (echoes)

The first time........... (echoes)
               -through these eyes........ (echoes)
                                 I ever saw this face............ (echoes)

The first time........... (echoes)
               -through these eyes.......... (echoes)
                                 Ever seeing this place.......... (echoes)

The first time........... (echoes)
               -through these eyes.......... (echoes)
                                Ever seeing your face........... (echoes)

Your face........ (echoes)

                     The first time........ (echoes)
                                        The first time......... (echoes)

My face........... (echoes)
                ...........The first time......... (echoes)

You can also find this poem/lyrics published to my DeviantART gallery.

Well, these lyrics here would probably not make much sense without the visuals. the emphasis is on the "FACE". "Face" its self has a lot of meaning.... but, also this is another song for Djehkäujaa, my dragon character but this is when she unfortunately becomes a humanoid form, much to her horror, and her own stupidity & comeuppance that she will regret for the rest of her life.

This song is meant to be Djehkäujaa's voice, but she will not be actually lip-sync singing this one. It will be like a voice-over, but as a song.

The lyrics are just a simple pattern with variation and reverb, to be to-the-point simple yet effective.

It is almost "garage house" sounding with a lot of echo & reverberations.

It will mostly rely on conveying the mood by some echoing piano and layered repercussions, as well as some sound effects, bass, perhaps wobble bass. I'm not sure if I will use a 2-step beat or not. Altho' I want this to be a very heavily European sounding style, I also want some eastern vibes/elements to it also...

Think of it this way: imagine she is in a desolate wide open prairie or savannah landscape, I was thinking more like the planes in Mongolia... but, my story will be an entirely other world. And, Djehkäujaa is literally grounded. No more flying. Her wings fall off, and burn away like acid and steaming clouds of fumes.

And, she looks at her own face, not the face knew herself to be...
A different face. Shock, despair, trauma...

That's what this is....

Monday, March 21, 2016

Poem Lyrics: Free Flying Heart (working title)

This month was crazy, and sometimes I kept questioning whether I also might be going crazy...

I have a lot of my creative stuff forcefully coming out of me. It was pretty difficult at times. But, hey, the world is insane... and I guess I'm "doing crazy things" like making art, music, and poetry.... scandalous, right?

The main bulk of stuff spewing out of me is orbiting and flowing from my old screenplay I wrote in 1999, and conceptualized starting in 1997-1998 as a teenager.

I stopped trying to fight this intense bout of either creative inspiration, or utter madness of loosing my mind...

I tore up my house looking for old storyboards and portfolios, as well as stacks of music and CDs, and various other things to make it stop affecting me.

At 1 point I felt myself going mad and weeping because I felt so terrible. Society put this "little thing" inside of my mind to tell me I should be ashamed and embarrassed about these things.... But, then I looked around at Society and saw death, malice, destruction, greed, hubris, strife, unrest, and realized society was COMPLETELY INSANE.

Screw Society... I'm not trying to maim, torture, kill, celebrate guns & bombs and wars, and hurt or destroy the planet and fellow human beings...

So, I think I'll do my "crazy stuff" of art instead.
Me, and my "stupid dreams".

I knew what I wanted for this scene, but I didn't know what song quite fit it, and I also didn;t want to use someone else's song.... and, then, I couldn't stop fighting it, and I also didn't want to cry anymore... then, my hands grabbed my notebook, and a pen, and words started coming out as I could faintly here fragments of flowing music inside of my mind....

After I did that, I felt much better....

Then, before I knew it, I'd written for sets of lyrics...

This was the first one.

I'm not so keen on the title tho'.
It's just a rough draft, concept, work...

I'm pathetically ignorant about composing music... :(

Anyways, I've published it to Deviant Art, and also to my other art blog.

This song is supposed to be for my character Djehkäujaa , the dragon as a humanoid form, while on the deck of the pleasure cruse zeppelin. 

I have a few different versions of it in my mind.

But, I might also want a 2nd small song for this part,because I want to convey/express 1 mood, then a change, and I think 2 different songs would be better...

I want this entire part to be electronic, but with dubbing, and 4/4 beats. I would also like it to build up to the final part... which ends on a more somber tone, and you can see this poem/song/lyrics has 2 different parts/segments. But, these 2 segments are 1 composition.

It's not set in stone, yet, tho'....

(Some vintage Storyboard thumbnails)

Free Flying Heart (working title)
By Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman (Black UniGryphon)
©2016 All Rights Reserved 
Rough Draft Lyrics/Poetry 
(Also on DeviantArt)

I dreamed I was the wind,
And a Part of the sky,
And then when I awoke,
Remembered I once could fly.

What do I do?
What have I done?
Foolish and selfish mistakes!
Careless and empty! -thinking it's fun!

I am the obstacle of myself,
Find a way to overcome me!
Somehow I can reach it,
My heart wants to finally fly free!

I miss you,
All free in the sky.
I miss me,
That part of me longs to reach up high!

I've been stuck being down,
Solve this puzzle somehow!
And untangle my wings to fly back up!


Feet un-grounding, and leaving the floor,
Good-bye to the underworld!
Wind one with me, I'll start to let go!
Now I feel my wings unfurl!

Let me stay forever among you!
Forever the clouds and sky!
Keep me always with you!
Never let us say good-bye!

Good-bye...... (echoes)
               ........good-bye..... (echoes)
                                      ..........good-bye....... (echoes)

                                                 Bye-bye-bye-bye.............. (echoes)

When will I be ready?
When will I be done?
When will it be finished?
               All I can do for now is observe you all.
               Fly away,
               Into the setting sun..........

Friday, April 24, 2015

Nixies Inspired (2 Tailed Mermaids)

I keep intending to do my blog entry about my "Black Unicorn" symbolism, and then finally, a following entry on the whole Black UniGryphon symbolism... but, I keep getting sick every few weeks. It's enough to make me crazy. But, in truth the one about the Black Unicorn will take quite a long time, and no doubt take at least a whole day, or longer just to type up... and quite a lot of energy...

Regardless, I've been busting from the seems this month despite being sick twice. I gotta go back AGAIN to the doctor tomorrow...

But, I've already written a bit on my Main Art Blog. <----<<<

This is a bit of a spin-off from my oldest project/concept which is my "Eyewitness" endeavor.
Artistic DirectI cannot express my absolute, and utter distressing paranoia, nor what it feels like other than panicky, of someone trying to steal or rip-off my ideas on a corporate level, or even a community level, before I ever get a chance to do anything with my own ideas... and I've seen it happen a number of times already.... and I do not want to get into the details of it either... because their are legal issues with "inspired by" which is a legal way of taking someone else's ideas.

I feel less panicked about my Eyewitness project because people gloss over it, and can;t think so much in concepts that tend to brows the internet... it just looks like a mess of stuff to people, because they can't see the whole picture... also since I tend to keep most of the ideas, stories, and concepts to myself...

But, my double tailed mermaids/nixies/Melusine stuff really catches the eyes of people... another reason why I ONLY publish rough and unfinished versions of it...
Despite my paranoia, the inspirations for this newer directions of this stuff has been taking on its own life, growing and expanding all year, but especially since March and early in April...

I just kept seeing the images inside my mind... some were vague, and then they kept floating around in my mind, and I became lost in day-dreams, and the little Nixies would become more... It would just seem that as they kept swirling about in my mind, while I lay sick in bed, I kept having the urge to draw or sketch, and kept fighting it... but, the more I fought it, the more it continued until I finally had to sketch something....

I figured nothing would happen, and I'd just scratch around with my pencil.... but, I began researching all kinds of images to help me reach my potential visions to pour out onto the page...

This was the one that really wanted to come out, big time. This was on my mind the entire month, and there is much more to the scene (think cinematic and animation). But, I spent over half a day on it, and expected to me done with it......

But, the ideas had ideas of their own... and next thing I knew, yet another sketch came out....

This is only a quick gesture sketched page which only took a few min to do, but I was shocked at how easily it just HAPPENED onto the page... I've been so out of practice, so I was shocked that anything at all would happen!

But the "energy" and the momentum of the whole situation just kept swirling about me, like a vortex....

and, it was as tho' any video, or peice of media I'd come across would be JUST THE THING to sparck something else from it, and me.

My original concept had JUST been about a short musical piece with the Nixies as a small animated short for my "Eyewitness" project. I wasn't sure exactly HOW I would fit it in, but I had some vague ideas... on the other hand, I still wanted to do my own version of a Fantasia like the one from 1940. But, yet again, I had no clue about how I ought to EVER do that.....yet.

But, this whole Nixie thingy is starting to become its own version of a Fantasia-like performance of short performances....

I have a number of other concepts, and they ALL involve music. I already have very clear concept of how I want the music to sound, be composed, and a number of details.

And, what came very abruptly full force into my mind was a concept for my Diva Nixie Melusine.

She isn't quite done yet, but, she is getting there...

She will be very large, and like a Colossus, and bronze with dark "big hair' which is VERY CURLY and bushy, and very voluptuous, with muscular arms, and preform (effects animation) magic theatrical tricks with minimal animation on herself.
I almost even have the words of the main song she will sing.

I want her to have a voice similar to Alison Moyet.

I also have a "black and white" piece I want to do, which will take a while to work out.

I also wish my Nixies to be viewed as ART, and not low-brow cheap trash.

If I had my ultimate wish I would create my full length theatrical version and premiere it in Vienna, with a full orchestra symphony with electronic components, and dancers.

I have concepts for animated shorts, a theatrical full length version, and a mini-series version, as well as a "kid friendly" version. But, also as a live dance show/concert version with 2 types; a dressed down version, and a full theatrical, dramatic version with props, and puppets.


Tokyo Otaku Mode Inc.
Artisteer - DNN Skin Generator
Toon Boom Animation
Toon Boom Animation

Monday, April 20, 2015


OMG! Who the heck is this chick, Blake Lively??? Her birthday is 2 days before mine, and Lively isn't even her real name, but articles called her by name as "Lively"!

Apparently, her real name is Blake Ellender Brown! 

And, she's a hair bleacher!!!!! ARG!!!!! 

Hey! No stealing my stuff! I made my character, and her name back in Middle school in the early 1990s! 


I've never even heard of any of these movies, either! No wonder I've never heard of this chick! 

I'm SO MAD!!!!!!!!! 
I'm the original!