Friday, June 3, 2016

Djehkäujaa Inspiration at The Gym

 Often, when I go to the gym, I find tons of ideas flood me! Or, also when I'm out taking a walk... since we often had good weather off & on, EXTREMELY OFF AND ON AGAIN, I would go walk among nature at South Field (Mass) and be among nature, and trees. Shea Field is kinda zen for me... But, I've been all over that place!

But, lately, its when I go to the gym. I keep getting floods of visuals for scenes in my mind!

There was a REALLY great scene I kept getting, overwhelmingly, that I often would black out, and forgot I was on a treadmill.

But, when I would sit down to try and sketch it out, I was often frustrated with my skills... which is why I'm doing a lot of croquis lately.

Actually, this scene is quite beautiful. It involves a window... and a lot of music... this film keeps wanting to be musical! Like, YOU HAVE NO IDEA! I often can HEAR IT. But, this song I couldn't really hear... it was not really connecting with me in audio... but, the visuals were there. 

And, it was also developing quite a bit of Djehkäujaa's story and character, herself!

Apparently, Djehkäujaa is very much a night-life person... But, what did ya expect from a DRAGON that hangs out with OWLS? Am I right???

It's funny, because Djehkäujaa in her humanoid form is often sullen, stoic, and stern... but, when the music is playing, she's kind like a Goth chick! You know the type! The music starts playing on the dance floor, and they;re all emotive, passionate, expressive, artistic, expressive!
But, Djehkäujaa could never really be a Neo-Goth. She likes COLORFUL THINGS, and a flashy SHOE collecting fetish, and likes shiny clothes. Especially colorful ones! 

I had a whole small story about Djehkäujaa's night-life, life, backstory stuff that was actually really good. But, I could also cut it out of a feature film version without it hurting the flow of the story. I like the idea of various versions of the story that's cut, or re-cut.

It actually has a very MTV music video cut to it... yet, still telling the story with music, song lyrics, and video... Altho' I haven't actually written any lyrics for it yet.

Djehkäujaa is also VERY MUSICAL. VERY

Oh, and here's a doodle... still working on developing Ao Xingtao.... still working on it...

he'll get there eventually...

But, I will say this. Even tho' Ao Xingtao and Djehkäujaa have some unexpected dragon ties in the story, THEY WILL NOT HOOK UP.

I also DO NOT want them to look alike.

I kept getting frustrated over trying to develop him last month, and the sketches looking too much like her.

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