Showing posts with label sketches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sketches. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2016

Djehkäujaa Inspiration at The Gym

 Often, when I go to the gym, I find tons of ideas flood me! Or, also when I'm out taking a walk... since we often had good weather off & on, EXTREMELY OFF AND ON AGAIN, I would go walk among nature at South Field (Mass) and be among nature, and trees. Shea Field is kinda zen for me... But, I've been all over that place!

But, lately, its when I go to the gym. I keep getting floods of visuals for scenes in my mind!

There was a REALLY great scene I kept getting, overwhelmingly, that I often would black out, and forgot I was on a treadmill.

But, when I would sit down to try and sketch it out, I was often frustrated with my skills... which is why I'm doing a lot of croquis lately.

Actually, this scene is quite beautiful. It involves a window... and a lot of music... this film keeps wanting to be musical! Like, YOU HAVE NO IDEA! I often can HEAR IT. But, this song I couldn't really hear... it was not really connecting with me in audio... but, the visuals were there. 

And, it was also developing quite a bit of Djehkäujaa's story and character, herself!

Apparently, Djehkäujaa is very much a night-life person... But, what did ya expect from a DRAGON that hangs out with OWLS? Am I right???

It's funny, because Djehkäujaa in her humanoid form is often sullen, stoic, and stern... but, when the music is playing, she's kind like a Goth chick! You know the type! The music starts playing on the dance floor, and they;re all emotive, passionate, expressive, artistic, expressive!
But, Djehkäujaa could never really be a Neo-Goth. She likes COLORFUL THINGS, and a flashy SHOE collecting fetish, and likes shiny clothes. Especially colorful ones! 

I had a whole small story about Djehkäujaa's night-life, life, backstory stuff that was actually really good. But, I could also cut it out of a feature film version without it hurting the flow of the story. I like the idea of various versions of the story that's cut, or re-cut.

It actually has a very MTV music video cut to it... yet, still telling the story with music, song lyrics, and video... Altho' I haven't actually written any lyrics for it yet.

Djehkäujaa is also VERY MUSICAL. VERY

Oh, and here's a doodle... still working on developing Ao Xingtao.... still working on it...

he'll get there eventually...

But, I will say this. Even tho' Ao Xingtao and Djehkäujaa have some unexpected dragon ties in the story, THEY WILL NOT HOOK UP.

I also DO NOT want them to look alike.

I kept getting frustrated over trying to develop him last month, and the sketches looking too much like her.

Life Drawing Sketches: Croquis Cafe and More

I was feeling particularly frustrated, and somewhat embarrassed over the level of my skills, since it wasn't what it was, nor what I felt it ought to be. I can often be a perfectionist, and also a realist, and I was rather ashamed. that's why I never finished my manga back in 2004-2005.  I just felt my skills were terrible. Altho' I think compared to now, they are even worse than back then.

Luckily, I found out that there were FREE life drawing classes on YouTube by Croquis Cafe

So, I've been doing the classes lately! It's the best way to refine your skills, within 6 months!

You can see my most recent work HERE but you will need to log-in to the DeviantART because they are censored for nudity.

If you want to see the unfinished manga story I did back in 2005ish, the artwork is here. It was called
"Reluctant Slayer",
and I'd originally written it for a Tokyo Pop managa company that actually brought manga to the USA as a platform for non-Asian artists to do mangas in the rest of the world. It's ironic because when they first did that, they got so much flack, but their North American contest was so popular that getting your hands on the mangas of the winning entries was hard. 

A number of enthusiast kids in Plymouth (yes, where the Pilgrims landed), where I used to run our pop art business for a time at the Playmoth/Kingston mall, kept insisting I enter the contest. By 2005, I "interned" at Top Cow Inc in Century City (Greater Los Angeles, near Hollywood, next to Beverly Hills) and their umbrella company was Image Comics which by then did several mangas, and also started producing them in full color with watercolors, and anything you could think of. I probably still have some, somewhere... So, I was inspired to start working on the managa again while I was in working there and living in Hollywood... I was all "think positive" New Age chick at the time... but everything fell through, I ran out of money, my spouse was in China with my kid, and after a ton of computers crashed or blew up, and some drama with the web people, a bunch of folks got "canned" (as they call it). Then, once I finished a project of grunt-work for Brian, the producer was like: Sorry, we can;t keep you here anymore, so you have to go.... they also weren't paying me... I was still allowed to visit, or "hang out in the studio"... I never got ANY of the so-called training I was supposed to get... they never looked at my portfolio at all, and even tho' I liked the producer very much, I just didn't know what to do... and it hurt so badly that it all just crashed so abruptly that I didn't want to look at him at all... 

NO, matter what I did, I couldn't secure a job, and my rent was due. my so-called best friend, whom kept raping me, whom has pushed me to get a job constantly, while I was sick with jet leg and flu when I got there also couldn't seem to get me a job anywhere on his own... his mother bought me some blankets, so I'm guessing in his mind that made it OK to rape me. And, another guy tried to rape me. That's a whole other story. (That one involved connections to: Mohamed Ali, Michael Jackson's family, Lady Gaga, and more) Ya try and be a helpful person, and you get preyed on... 

So, I had to leave, and I flew to Philadelphia where my father picked me up, and I stayed there... actually, that May/June in 2005 I found out a lot of stuff. I found out that for years my Mom wouldn't answer my calls, call me back, or call me at all, and she kept telling me she was busy. But, at my father's house, she called my brothers every day, and several times per day..... This was strange to me because when I was in Hollywood, for months, she never answered or called me back sometimes for days, or not at all... 

And, a friend of mine, whom I'd worked with in 1997, kept making plans with me, to see me, hang out with me, and I was there for about 3 weeks or so... and each day, he kept promising, then changing his mind. So many other persons wanted to see me, and he seemed very enthusiastic about it... but, in the end, just a few days before I left, he came to see me, very late... and ONLY because I'd nagged him... not because he actually wanted to... then, he made it sound like he came out of some charity reason.... oh really? 
This was a person whom used to pester me all the time, was flamboyant, easy-go-lucky, bold, robust, and even used to abduct me when we were coworkers...

I don't have the words to express, nor describe, the sting, hurt, and pain of it all...

The cold, cruel reality that the people that you love, don't actually love you.
And, the jarring experience of so many folks wanting your attention for the wrong reasons...
Or, people that do love you, and altho' you're happy about it, and appreciate it, no matter how many of those persons love you, it doesn't soothe the hurt of the realization that the ones you loved the most, didn't love you back, or actually didn't love you at all...

It's like the ground falling from beneath you... 
-nothing to stand upon......

So, I don't know.... maybe that's partly where my depression started... then, several other misfortunes occurred after that... I was motivated to work on my skills after my shamefully embarrassing return from LA in 2005....  tried to start over again.... and was planning on going to CALARTS. In 2007, I was starting my portfolio again, and working on my skills... many hiccups with that too.... but, the Bailouts happened, and The Recession hit...

I spent 2008, mostly paralyzed, and cried every day... hiding it from my child...

 2009 was really, just, THE WORST. A number of relationships I just completely shredded, or went nuclear. I went from happy-joy-joy hopeful, HOPE & CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN to I'M FUCKING ANGRY! I was deathly afraid of "being negative" before... the whole trappings of what I misunderstood as political correctness, but actually wasn't... and, I'd started to address, and call things out.... having to run a business made one VERY abrupt, and astute. And, I could see the BS coming, or had to nip it in the bud... but, I hadn't actually ever applied this logic to relationships... just in parts.... the whole concept of  "if someone really loves you" or "if someone really is a true friend" then just a basic scrutiny and it will hold up to truth, or facts, or fess up, or reconcile, or amend... But, there was also the angle of accountability on my end... say, if I knew of immoral, or unethical things that a friend of mine was doing... should I abide by that? Should I pretend it;s not happening? Or, should I say something???? 

I hasn't realized how much stuff I'd been turning blind eyes to... so, when certain things by those persons were pushing me, pestering me... at first, I wondered: Why am I being like this? Am I being a bad friend???? No... I was suppressing the truth... and it was leaking out of me as anger... and being snippy. 

What if your friend was a child predator? 
You would, most likely, at first deny it... no... it's not that.... it's not what I'm thinking... it's something else........ then, other things happen.... and also, this person keeps getting away with bad behaviors... Why? -because I keep covering for them.... but why???? 
And, what if that friend is a manipulator? A fraud? A conman? A humbug? Someone that uses people? Someone that misrepresents them self as oh-so-spiritual... and they also know ur secrets...

 I think this is how people get away with these things... because those around them are also being played, mentally... like that whole Penn State thing, or Cosby... 

Well, I blew THE FUCK UP! 

Back in 2007, when I was trying to get back on track with my dreams... I needed to redo my portfolio for CALARTS... when I needed was croquis sketches... but, Mr. Wnag blundered the class registration and got me the long pose classes, not the quick croquis gesture class.... it was hard enough at the time just to get the money to pay for the class, PLUS drive ALL THE WAY TO CAIMBRIDGE, with  a baby in the car, IN THE WINTER, and THE SNOW, just so I could do that... and no refund, and i never found out until it was too late to switch classes... 

It was a huge setback, but I was hoping to go to the spring classes, and get it right that time... even tho' he was giving me hell over it... plus, I was going to visit CALARTS since they liked me a lot, and my friends were helping me, and even picked me up at the airport, and drove me, and everything. SO NICE TO ME! I used to get stuff in the mail from CALARTS quite a bit, also.

But, the Recession hit... and everything was in vain, and all for naught...

So, this time, I will get it right, and just DO THE CROQUIS SKETCHES! 

I know i said I wanted to do painting.... but, I was also unhappy with my skills doing that as well...

the best fix for it all is doing the croquis... So, that's what I've been doing.

Altho' we did have a holiday weekend, and I have relatives visiting from China, I've been trying to get 1-3 classes per day (if I can) since the end of May.

My proportions are off, my symmetry is off, and my forms and structure are so off. I also need what was referred to as 'lines with confidence" and I don't have that right now...

Croquis sketches are like "zen training" for art, and all things visual.

So, hopefully, in a year from now, not only will I have been attending academic classes at UMASS, but I fully expect my skills to have greatly improved.

I still want to better design my characters again... there are so many scenes I keep seeing inside my mind, but I can't get them to come out onto the paper...

Ergo, the solution is croquis sketches!

Croquis sketches are quick poses that involve a live model, especially a nude one, that can be 30 seconds, 1 min, 2 min, 3-4 min, 5 min, 10 min, or 15 min. Also called "gesture life drawings".

The point is to sketch the entire form and figure as much as you can before the time is up. But, you want to sketch the form and figure in shapes, like stick and bubble figures. Some people do contour line drawings... but that WILL NOT HELP YOU.

Drawing in shapes, and forms, and lines, will help you to visualize the forms and shapes of the anatomy, and anything else, mentally so you don;t have to think about it anymore, and it becomes an automatic process, much like "zen training" such as Zen archery, zen carpentry, zen nail hammering, zen writing, etc....


I put my signature BACK to the original signature! I've removed my spouse's surname from my signature. over the course of doing the croquis and butting heads with my spouse over creative differences, I have definitively decided he shall have NO PART IN MY ART WHATSOEVER.

We DO NOT have the same ideas, perspectives, nor TASTES in art AT ALL.... Therefore, he has NO PLACE in my signature, because my art, and may artwork IS MINE!

He also WILL NOT allow me to study for an Art Degree, even tho' HE IS.

He also thinks I can't pass the GRE...


I'm STILL doing philosophy, AND ART.

And, for ALL the folks whom tease, taunt, and berate me for doing either I DEFY YOU, and will continue to do BOTH to spite you!

An another thing! :D
I've been going to the gym frequently, and my results are starting to show.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Xingtao Rough Sketch Practice Character Development 001

Xingtao Rough Sketch Practice Character Development

I was wanting to blog this for a while, but I was doing other things, and since sketching took more thought and effort plus blogging, I was just publishing my older photography of everything from Boho to my Pirate wench OC on Deviant ART, and interacting with people on there.

My Gallery on DeviantART.

I have tons of other blogs of various content, including on Blogger/Google and also Tumblr, as well as multiple social media platforms.

I know pretty much what I want Ao Xingtao to be and look like, only it hasn't quite come together yet. Plus, I want my sketching/drawing skills to improve.

These are very very rough:

I actually really like this design:

The face is loosely based on a combination of Jincheng Wu (Takeshi Kaneshiro) and a tiny bit of Nicholas Tse (Xie Tingfeng), but also vintage Tony Leung Ka Fai.

Jincheng Wu:

Nicholas Tse:

But, I also like Donnie Yen. I like the long skull/face look pretty much for this character.
Donnie Yen:

Vintage Tony Leung Ka Fai:

I really like Jingcheng Wu's head shape and facial features. He has very thick strong eyebrowns, and his nose is set into his face with a very sharp look. I also really like the sideburns on him. he's significantly hairier than the other actors. I also like his necklines.
Nicholas Tse doesn't have the long face but there are many mannerisms in his acting style that I like.

But, of course, I don't want my character to be a carbon copy of 1 or the other... just some influences...

But, I was also studying quite a lot of old vintage stuff from the 80s/90s. I was especially enamored with Christian Slater's HAIR:

OMG! Do you see this hair????
It's like super voluminous!

I want Xingtao to have his look honed, and refined, but I haven't reached it yet. I figure that'll be my goal for this year. I'd originally been wanting to practice my painting skills, but I lost my fire for it... meh...

I don't want Xingtao to always have the long hair, like I did in the old picture I did. I like the long hair, but I want him to go through hairstyle changes. Female characters do this, and especially Lively does. But, in real life, men (unlike my father) also change their hair.

It's weird, but it often feels like I forgot how to draw... intellectually, I know what to draw, and how to draw, but it's like my hand-eye coordination is way off. But, as I was going through my old artwork I did before I realized I'd gone through this many times before. So, I know I can get through it again.

But, I need to work out what Xingtao's face will actually be before I can move on to the hair styles... but, part of the practice is both.

Another thing I don't want to happen, is I don't want Xingtao to look like Djehkäujaa. Recently many of my sketches would kinda turn out looking a bit too much like her, and I was not happy about that.

I just need a lot more practice.

I will hopefully get my credits audit soon, because my University orientation in on June 7th, and then I can most likely (hopefully) start my federal Work Study program (job/salary). 

They've screwed up my application many many times since February. So, I can't even sign up for classes I want yet, and most everything is full. 

I'm also finally back to going to the gym, but my lungs are still damaged very badly, and I sometimes I must take codeine. I hope I can improve my lungs capacity/strength by the end of the summer.  My asthma is really bad right now.

Other than that, not much else to write about... most of it is inside my head/heart/dreams/feelings/muse... It probably doesn't look like a lot, but actually it really was.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Old Vintage Sketches of Lively 004

Old Romance Rough Sketches

Old Romance Rough Sketches

Found some old rough sketches. Just some rough, unfinished, or rough doodles. Not that great, actually... but, I figured I'd scan them for the heck of it...

It's all very rough, unrefined.

Anyways, I have rethought this stuff several times over... and I already have something reforming in my mind...

I don't have a set look for a love interest for Lively... I've redesigned it many times over, over the years. I think I should do more than one. And, I feel this aspect, for me, kinda has an almost European feel or vibe to it... meaning, the way European culture would portray the moods or presentations of the subject matter...

I think I prefer a more European presentation because of the subtleties and nuances.... like old comics from France, Belgium, or old German teen magazines... Not to dis Asian comics or novels, or American Comics etc.... I just don't care for their way of conveying moods or imagery... I feel that some Japanese or Chinese stuff is either too raunchy or to sappy or too emo or tragic... and never had a satisfactory ending...

American stuff usually leaves a lot of meaningful parts out, has way to much censorship, or cuts to the chase too fast, or drags things out too comically...

But, European styles of addressing emotions, intimacy, and even sexuality is much more beautiful, tasteful, and uncensored but not disgusting, or crude.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Old Vintage Rough Sketches n Doodles of Djehkäujaa 002

Here are some very old vintage 1999 sketches I did when I was at AIPH in Philadelphia.

I feel like Djehkäujaa is probably my most proudest character I've ever created. She's dynamic in many ways, physically, mentally, emotionally, metaphorically, and figuratively... So, if my project ever becomes anything, like a film or video series of shorts, I want it to be worthy and befitting of her.

Some of this stuff I actually don't like anymore...  or, it's not very good... oh well...

The Owl Motif

Unfortunately, the majority of my old concept work with owl motifs are pretty much lost forever... I often liked to work with symbolism, and motifs, when I was younger, and since I first started developing this story & characters, I kept incorporating owls... In the King James version of the Bible (which I did read in various parts as a kid) there's a verse that goes:

King James Job 39:29 

"I am brother to dragons and companion to owls."

There are, however, so many other translations of this verse now, that I've seen it written all different ways... and not even as "dragons" or even "owls"...
As it turns out, the Bible doesn't actually say whatever you previously thought it did... there's much better translations out there now, and different original manuscripts also...

So, I feminized it and changed it to:

I am sister to dragons and familiar to owls....
or various other versions I scribbled out in other lost sketchbooks...

So, here's the only thing I could find, so far, of anything with the owl motifs:

At the end of the year (2015) in December I started to notice OWLS, but by New Year it was EVERY DAY... It was kinda freaking me out, actually.... But, literally, at least 1 random owl will show up throughout the day, online, on TV, radio commercials....  it's generally way more than that. Usually about 3 per day...

Back in January it kept happening so frequently than even my family began noticing owls also.

I kept wondering why... I'm not really New Age anymore.... but, I kept recalling that in my old Dragon film project (this one) that I often incorporated owls into everything with the dragon character... Now, here I am, scanning my dragon drawings....

Through the helped of a very wonderful friend of mine, I managed to get the new Free Open Source version of OpenToonz by Studio Gibli. I'm very grateful also.

I manged to get the thing to work...

I think perhaps after I am done scanning my stuff, eventually, I might play around with it...

I know which scenes I would like to experiment with.... but, I don'[t know how to create and arrange music to be exactly what I want....

Old Vintage Sketches of Lively 003

I also scanned some vintage 2007 rough sketches of Lively today

Sorry, I lived in China several times in the GW Bush Era, so I often practiced Chinese. I was too lazy to edit it out. Just ignore it...

I have experimented with different styles including a more Disney-like, or a more anime or cartoonish look... mostly because I was thinking of a manga version for one of my stories... I guess it
s good to be open to anything... right?

Some of these sketches are incredibly painful to me.... In 2007/2008, I was trying to go to CALARTS and my friends in California were SO GOOD TO ME, and even tried to help me...

I kept struggling with my art, and I felt that it wasn't good enough, and I kept getting the proportions wrong because I spent too much time drawing furries/anthros the years before that...

I had several set-backs, including getting signed up for THE EXACT WRONG life drawing class to do a life drawing portfolio class in Cambridge for the Harvard affiliate Adult Education school. I needed a GESTURE quick poses life drawing class, and they put me into the LONG POSES class which was a a waste of time & money... I didn't even KNOW it was THE WRONG CLASS until 5 weeks in when I asked the instructor why he wasn't doing the gestures...

Basically, what happened was my spouse signed me up for the class, and his English wasn't very good, and when he was asking for the classes, he thought he got the right one, but didn't... and 5 weeks in, you can't get ur money back... they also drove a long time with me, and my portfolio all the way in Cambridge Boston and sat in the car at night, even in the snow, just so I could take THE WRONG CLASS.

I was so frustrated, and I often cried...I was so depressed, and even went through some very bad back-stabbing betrayals with a number of NOW ex-friends... plural.

I was also New Age "spiritual" back then, and it just seemed like everything was against me....

Then, literally, and actually, after I had already gone to California in the summer of 2007 and my 2 really great friends were so perfectly wonderful to me, and I came back to work on my portfolio, because CALARTS really liked me, the Economic Melt Down happened, and the Big Bail Outs...

I was devastated.

It was like everything I'd ever believed in was just shredded or nuked, and the fall-out hadn't even hit me yet...

I used to pray, and chant, and burn incense, and meditate... but, when it was all torn asunder, I couldn't meditate at all...

I used to have a Newspaper with the Front Page with the Headline "777" meaning the 777 point drop in the stock market for the DOW by September 2008.

And, from about 2007-2009 a number of relationships just popped off... some had to go, and others went badly without any warning... some people even died, or committed suicide, or lost their minds and became addicts...

When the stock market crashed, I KNEW it was ALL OVER. THE END.... that ALL of my work was in vain and naught... Our business and only JUST started to pick back up.... when everything just fell out...

I used to stay in bed crying from painful overwhelming circumstances... I felt so ashamed, and powerless...

And, when I sat at my business in the mall, with my sketch book trying desperately to DRAW, i was even more distraught to find that I COULD NOT DRAW.

I hope that YOU will NEVER KNOW what that FEELS LIKE. It's the worst feeling to ever experience...

No matter where you go, and what you do, that is always there... when you go into another room to get away from it, you find that you cannot... because you cannot escape it, and you cannot get away from yourself...

People are also incredibly insensitive... because if you have a young child, like I did, its as tho' you do not deserve to have any feelings, or dreams... and they will strait up tell you this to your face.

They will mock and demean you thinking its somehow helping you, and be completely oblivious of how sexist and cruel they are... they are even more obnoxiously rude if they also have a child, or more than 1 child, as tho' in their mind that somehow nullifies it...

They will even stoop so low as to say things nonchalantly like: "Shouldn't you go play with your kid?"

Meanwhile, everyone was leaving the state of Massachusetts that I was somewhat close to.... or lived far away... I had no biological family here, and my real friends (artists) lived far away....

I was very cloistered also.... 

All of this stuff is just so incredibly personal also.... I don't believe that anyone can understand it...